MF 455 Xtra Performance
MF 455 Xtras
Max Hp (kW) power✪ISO hp (kW)100 (74)Max Torque@ 1400 rpm415Rated engine speed 2200
MF 455 Xtra Engine
Engine type 1104.4CNo. of Cylinders 4Capacitycc4100Aspiration Turbo
MF 455 Xtra Transmission
12 x 4 Side shift ●
MF 455 Xtra Power take off
Live single speed- 540 rpm ●IPTO Single speed – 540 rpmCab/Platform● / °IPTO Two Speed – 540/1000 rpm °
MF 455 Xtra Steering
Hydrostatic ●
MF 455 Xtra Hydraulics
3-point linkage control MechanicalLift capacitymax kgf2500Oil flowlitres/min17System pressurebar210Auxiliary hydraulics Oil flowlitres/min42System pressurebar170
MF 455 Xtra Spool valves
Cab/Platform● 2 valves / ● 1 valve
MF 455 Xtra Brakes
Type Oil immersed
MF 455 Xtra Standard wheels and tyres
Front 2wd/4wd 9.00-16/14.9-24Rear 18.4-34
MF 455 Xtra Weights and Dimensions
Weight without Ballast Cab/Platformkg4460/4070Lengthmm4270Height over exhaustmm2640Wheelbasemm2370
MF 455 Xtra Capacities
Fuel tanklitres100Engine oillitres8Transmission oillitres46
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